Wednesday, October 9, 2013

21st Century Technology in High School

I have recently visited my daughter's High School for "Meet the Teacher" night. I was pleasantly pleased that all teachers have their own web page, Twitter account, Google account, and much more. When reviewing their syllabus, I realized that the students were already implementing Edmodo's, shared Google Docs, and must have an electronic device everyday with them in school. It was nice to see that group projects were all on shared documents so the students can write collaboratively. I have included a few of the teacher's websites and the main school's website just to give examples of using technology within the curriculum. It is Wamogo Regional High School, in Litchfield, CT.

Art Teacher-Ms. Christopher
Agriculture- Ms. Dunn
English-Mrs. Bickford

RSD6 logo

1 comment:

  1. Christine, as you well know, I follow (on Twitter) numerous teachers and administrators from your daughter's high school. I am glad you had an experience to personally experience how the teachers in this school are using digital tools to enhance students' learning experiences. As I was browsing through some of the teachers' websites a few weeks ago to find examples of Weebly sites, given use of Weebly is part of our course, I came upon a former student who is a chemistry teacher and found her Weebly website. We have since sent numerous emails back and forth. I recently did a conference presentation about Google Communities with the librarian-media specialist from the high school. She indicated that the school uses Google Communities as a professional development tool. Glad you found out about Wamogo's leadership role in promoting education technology.
