Saturday, September 21, 2013

Sharing Technology

After sharing all of the technology tools with my colleagues, our eighth grade teacher will be showing the students how to create an Animoto to express their thoughts for a particular topic. He thought that it was a quick and powerful assessment to let each student create and learn in a different way. I will ask him to share what they do throughout the week as they finish.  


  1. I'm also going to show our Language Arts teacher the animoto app so that maybe her students will want to create some book trailers. It is a great assessment tool isn't it? I didn't think I'd ever be able to master technology. Old dogs can learn new tricks! LOL

  2. I love how you always share what you've learned in each course with your colleagues. I think it's so important that we pass on what we are learning so that we can do what's best for our students. Even though it makes more work for us, it's so worth it! I'd love to see what the students create!
