As I mentioned in my previous blog, a new year brings new issues. I have a new blended preschool class consisting of three and four year olds combined together in the same room. As the saying goes "You can't show an old new tricks." I will desperately try to expand and keep an open mind.
I think part of being a teacher is always keeping an open mind. Every year brings new challenges and every teacher has trials and errors. While everyday may not go as planned, we have to remember the smallest things can make the biggest differences in our students' lives. Even when we get frustrated and feel that we are overwhelmed and cannot handle the task we have been given, we have to remember we are in it for the kids. This year I feel your frustration as I am trying to teach a fifth grade class with reading levels ranging from second grade to eight grade. Some days it just seems impossible, but somehow there always manages to be a light at the end of the tunnel.